The business sector is expected to respect human rights, as set out in the three pillars of the UN Guiding (Protect, Respect and Remedy) Framework.
This Framework has a new requirement for business conduct to respect human rights while doing the business. Companies are expected to reverence human rights, with a central focus to avoid infringing upon the rights of others. In practice, this involves adopting a human rights policy to guide a Company’s operations, and understanding a company’s impacts and risks, which should be mitigated and monitored over time.
The three pillars require companies to carry out a human rights due diligence process in order to identify, prevent, mitigate, and account for how the company addresses its adverse human rights impacts and risks. As Aarti Industries Ltd’s operations could be exposed to human rights related risks, therefore, they aim at developing a comprehensive Human Rights due diligence framework for a systematic approach for assessing and addressing these risks